The Willpower Instinct with Dr. Kelly McGonigal 

Elderly Woman Hiking

“What’s something that you could change about the way you’re living your life that would help you be the version of yourself that you want to be, reach goals, and contribute more fully to the roles and relationships that matter to you?” – Dr. Kelly McGonigal 

Willpower. What is it, and how do we harness it to become the version of ourselves we want to be so we can reach our highest goals? In the latest episode of the Stronger U Radio podcast, psychologist, best-selling author, and educator Dr. Kelly McGonigal sat down with Stronger U’s Manager of Nutrition Education and Innovation, Gianna Masi, RD, to talk about the science of willpower and her book The Willpower Instinct – which our community is collectively reading in September as part of our #StrongerUs book club. Specifically focused on the human response to willpower and its effects on our body’s chemistry, Gianna and Dr. McGonigal explore how we can develop stronger willpower in our lives. 

During their deeply engaging and relatable conversation, they dive into the significance of putting our energy and attention on what matters over choosing to avoid discomfort, the power of connection and celebrating successes, the place of willpower when it comes to habit change (you may be surprised on her take,) and meeting challenging moments with whatever it is you need: courage, self-care, wisdom, or sometimes, restraint. 

 Dr. McGonigal touches on the “feel better effect” phenomenon of how exercise and movement change the brain short term. This includes the science behind how by moving a bit and getting your heart rate up slightly through, say, walking or dynamic stretching, your body releases adrenaline and dopamine that results in an energizing effect and a more positive outlook. She also goes into the long-term effects of exercise on the brain and how consistency is key to fully experiencing these changes. 

 This not-to-be-missed episode is filled with nuggets of wisdom and aha moments that will leave you feeling inspired. Grab a pen and notepad because, trust us, you will want to take notes.  


The Willpower Instinct with Dr. Kelly McGonigal

To learn more about the #StrongerUs book club and join Dr. McGonigal live on September 29th in the Stronger U Community, head to: https://fb.me/e/2DefxIyXj. 

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