Year in Revi-U: Big Moves for Stronger Growth

Stronger U Members

When I launched Stronger U in April of 2015, I wanted to reverse engineer the dieting process, figure out why people fail with diets and try to fix those things.

What started out as my side gig of taking on 7-8 clients at my friend’s local CrossFit, quickly grew to 70-80 through word of mouth. I eventually quit my fulltime job, brought on the first few coaches, and Stronger U continued to grow like crazy.

By 2021 we had helped 50,000 members globally in improving their relationship with food and building better awareness of their eating habits. Yet, just like reaching our health goals requires stepping out of our comfort zone, I realized that to continue building Stronger U to be the best nutrition company in the world, it was going to require big moves.

In June of 2021, Stronger U joined Self Esteem Brands – the parent company of Anytime Fitness, Bar Method, Basecamp Fitness and Wax in the City – whose mission is to improve the self-esteem of the world.

This synergistic opportunity has given Stronger U the resources to continue to grow, support more people in their nutrition journey, provide better educational tools and products, and elevate our member experience to be the best in the industry.

Our team has been hard at work making big goals happen for U. Here’s a few highlights from the past year:


More Experienced Coaches

  • We’ve welcomed new faces, bringing our total number of Stronger U Coaches to 60. Made up of Registered Dietitians and Certified Nutrition Coaches led by our Director of Nutrition Education, Jessica Bachman, PhD, RDN.


Internal Team Growth

  • Our small-but-mighty internal Stronger U team has grown 43% through the addition of 10 newly created full-time roles filled by incredibly talented individuals; with more slated to join in the coming months!


New Lifestyle Program

  • We launched our Lifestyle Program designed to support experienced members with continuing to maintain goals or achieve new ones.


Podcast Relaunch

  • We re-launched the Stronger U Radio podcast with an incredible line-up of doctors, industry experts and coaches covering everything from sleep and stress to daily habits, alcohol, fitness and more.


First Member Photo & Video Shoot

  • We hosted our first-ever member photo and video shoot in Woodbury, Minnesota at the Self Esteem Brands Headquarters in March 2022.


Upcoming App Enhancements

  • Our team has been working tirelessly behind the scenes to bring our members some very exciting updates to our Daily Nutrition Assistant app in the coming months.


More Expansive Nutrition Education

  • Several of our internal team members traveled across the United States attending the Anytime Fitness Vitals conferences, providing hundreds of franchise owners with education on how Stronger U can benefit the overall health and wellbeing of their members.


Advocacy for Health and Fitness

  • Stronger U, President Adam Zeitsiff headed to Washington D.C. in May to rally congressional support for the fitness industry, improving accessibility to fitness and physical activity for all Americans.


An Even BETTER Community Experience

  • Our Facebook community is the happiest place on the internet, and this year it got even better because we got to connect with all of you more through live chats with me and our awesome coaches, #heycoach discussions and cool giveaways. Plus, we’ve had a chance to connect offline, too at regional coach meet-ups across the country.


The last year has been one heck of a ride. I could not be prouder of all we’ve accomplished and the many exciting things that are in the works. Stay tuned!

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