Come for the Results, Stay for the Coaches

In 2015, when I started Stronger U as a side gig with just a few clients, my goal was (and still is) to help as many people as possible with their nutrition. In those early days, I never could have foreseen the profound impact it would have on tens of thousands of people worldwide.  Over seven years, Stronger U has grown to support more than 55,000 members in losing weight, reaching body composition goals, and building a better relationship with food. That’s over 55,000 lives positively impacted through new knowledge and small sustainable lifestyle changes.  

This level of reach was made possible thanks to the efforts of our dedicated Stronger U Coaches. They’re truly the backbone of our program and why we’ve gotten to where we are. Our coaches provide members with the personalized accountability, support, and guidance they need to apply our science-backed nutrition approach. They’re invested in each member’s wellbeing beyond what’s on their plate and take the time to get to know them personally. 

As part of our coach Appreciation this week, we asked members to share how their coach has made a difference in their life and what makes their relationship special. Wow, did we receive an outpouring of messages (some of which you’re about to read) emphasizing how our coaches serve as even more than nutrition experts. They’re also friends, teachers, cheerleaders, and self-doubt crushers that give our members the confidence and tools to achieve and maintain the results they’re after. As it turns out, you’re their biggest fans, too.  

Stronger U Coaches… 

… support members through all stages of their life. 

“I remember thinking, of all the coaches, what are the odds I would be paired with someone who understands what I’m experiencing? I had shared something personal, and Tanner “saw” my insecurities, vulnerabilities, the pieces and parts of life you typically want to hide from everyone. He shared his story, too: He stayed where others walk away. I felt less alone. I had found someone I could lean on and learn from. I’ve worked with Tanner off & on since 2018 and he’s coached me with kindness through returning to school, a pandemic, divorce, three moves, and most recently my first 14er mountain climb! Grateful for SU & Coach Tanner.” – Charity, Stronger U member 

Karen has been with me through a transformational season of my life. Through working with her I’ve lost almost ~30 lbs, reignited my love of running again, and trained for the NYC marathon. She has held me accountable in a way that gives grace for life’s ups and downs. I’m so lucky to have her!” – Liana, Stronger U member 

… build meaningful relationships. 

“My relationship with Noelle is special because she is my coach, my friend, my spin buddy all in one. I can reach out to Noelle anytime of the day or night and she gets back to me as soon as possible and brings me up. She truly is my hero. The tools I built through Stronger U under her guidance have led me to feel the best I have ever felt.” – Jenna, Stronger U member 

“Jodi is so positive no matter what kind of week I have had. I feel like she is more than just a coach. She is a friend too. I started my journey after my husband passed away and she has helped with all of my crazy moods and excuses. I’m at 20 lb loss and have never been able to lose this much and feel good about myself. She is the BEST.” – Jill, Stronger U member 

… go above and beyond.  

“Joe is the BEST. He has helped me so much since I started working with him earlier this year. He has helped me figure out how to get more steps in each day, how to become one with having a little treat every day so I don’t go insane, and has even helped me prep when I have a dinner out (he even perused a few online menus of the places I was going to help me find the best macro-friendly option.)” – Katie, Stronger U member 

… are professional mindset shifters. 

 “Terri has modeled acceptance and self love. She will not contribute to my beating up on myself about food, the scale, or getting stuck in perfectionism. She shares what she’s learned. We both know this is an inside job. This is not a diet for me. I’m in it for a life-long change.”   – Brigid, Stronger U member 

“[Eva] has an uncanny ability to make me feel like no matter where I’m at in my journey, that’s where I’m supposed to be. She brings me a sense of peace even when I feel like I’m failing. She gives me constant resources to pull from. Eva is a grounding presence in my life and I’m so lucky to call her Coach!”  - Shelly, Stronger U member 

“Wow, I can’t even put into words how much Noelle has helped me. She started out as my local spin instructor. Then, the more I went, the more positivity filtered into my life. She always has the right words to say to motivate me to do more for ME, not anyone else. This girl bleeds self-love and positivity, even when she doesn’t feel it herself. She continues to encourage me to keep going, especially on dark days I may or may not tell her about, she is there. When I reach out, she always has the perfect response of what I need.” – Angela, Stronger U member 

… guide members towards real results. 

 “Working with Dean, I lost 40 pounds, when my goal was to only lose 12. He got me going in the right direction and kept me going long after I wanted to give up. We’re now keeping it off in maintenance, and it has never felt like much or a chore.” – Andrew, Stronger U member 

“Since I started working with Therese in Jan 2022, I have lost 17 lbs. Therese has given me tough love when I needed it and encourages me when I slip into old patterns. I have also learned macro counting does not have to take all day or too much effort and how taking the time each day to check in with my coach is also a time for me to check in with myself.” – Kelly, Stronger U member 

“Jeannie has given me the skills and knowledge to look at food as fuel and fun. I’ve had negative experiences with “dieting” while trying to lose weight. I became so frustrated with myself and food. But my coach taught me to look at this whole process very differently. Ultimately changing how I view eating and living a healthy lifestyle. Since joining Stronger U, not only have I lost the weight I was seeking to lose, I sleep better, my workouts are better, my chronic migraines have significantly decreased, and I feel like I have so much more energy throughout the day. Most importantly I am much happier in my skin.” – Elizabeth, Stronger U member 

While these are just a few of the many notes we received, they further prove why Stronger U Coaches are a pillar of our program and how deeply invested they are in each and every member’s success. I’m so proud of their passion and dedication to delivering an unmatched experience and strong foundation members can take with them for life.  

If you’re not already a member of Stronger U, I’d like to personally invite you to give us a try. It won’t be like any program you’ve done before, which makes all the difference. Join now 

I look forward to officially welcoming you into our community.  

Mike Doehla 

Stronger U Founder 

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