It’s one of the busiest times of the year: back to school, back to activities, back to overcommitted schedules. If you’re wondering how you can focus on your health goals while managing so much on your plate (no pun intended,) you’re not alone. That also means you don’t need to go it alone! As parents, we tend to put our well-being last on the list of priorities. So, while you might consider a break from your healthier habits, a coach’s support is most important in these challenging seasons. Life will always be busier than ideal. There will always be something that seems more pressing, resulting in feeling like something else must give. That “something” is typically us. Here’s the thing, prioritizing our wellness will help us accomplish more and be happier overall. Eating the correct number of nutrients, drinking enough water, sleeping better, and getting more exercise can boost our energy and give us a better outlook to optimize our days without feeling burned out.
Setting up a routine is an excellent place to start. We’ve rounded up five habits you can begin to incorporate right now:
Plan Your Meals
Review your weekly schedule, determine how many people you’ll be cooking for each day and how many meals and snacks you’ll need to prepare. Next, make a list of the ingredients you’ll need for those meals and snacks. Then, plan a specific day to grocery shop (if you’re short on time, consider using a meal delivery service.)
Pro tip: Have the same meal more than once and choose meal options that last and freeze easily. This reduces planning, prepping, and cleaning!
Set a Bedtime and Stick to It
Does your summer sleep schedule have you reaching for the snooze button more than you’d like? While it might be tempting to stay up and scroll social media during those precious minutes of alone time at the end of the day, your sleep is much more critical. Unplug from your digital devices at least an hour before bed and set your phone in another room so you won’t be distracted by it. If you’re someone who uses the alarm on your phone, consider investing in a traditional alarm clock instead.
Track Your Meals in Advance
If you’re currently tracking macronutrients, you can take planning a step further and enter pre-planned meals into your Stronger U Nutrition Tracker in advance. You can choose to do the entire week or just a day ahead. This takes the guesswork out of your meals and portion sizes and will save you from having to track them later.
Prepack Lunches the Night Before
Put the planning into action. While you’re packing your kids’ lunches, prepack your own food too. By taking these extra minutes the night before, you can save time in the morning and avoid leaving without your planned food for the day.
Get Your Steps in During Sports and Activities
Is soccer practice taking up your weeknights? Instead of sitting on the sidelines, do laps around the field during practice, use a step tracker, and aim for 10,000 steps daily. Perhaps invite other friends to join you for a little friendly competition.
Having the guidance and tools to overcome obstacles that come with new schedules and long to-do lists can set you on the path to success for the remainder of the year. You’ll also have an easier time staying on track with your goals. These are some general ideas to implement, but a Stronger U coach can provide many more personalized tips and support for your unique situation.
To learn more about the benefits of working with a Stronger U Coach, schedule a time to chat with a Coach Concierge.