Kristin’s Stronger U Story

Kristin before and after photos


I started Stronger U in March of 2020. When signing up, I didn’t feel hopeful as I had with other diets in the past. Instead, I despaired. Years of failed dieting (Weight Watchers, keto, intermittent fasting, calorie counting, shakes) left my relationship with food in ruins. Not only was I making unbalanced and unhealthy choices, but I had also developed all sorts of negative emotional associations with certain foods.

Truly, at the start of Stronger U, I didn’t think it would work for my body. When I hit submit, I promised myself to be honest with my coach and embrace the process for the long haul. The weight came off. It was voodoo. Surely, my coach Tracie was working some kind of magic? I was eating things like grilled cheese and pancakes and still losing weight. I finally got to eat like a “normal” person. It was amazing.

After a few weeks, Tracie began to help me with emotional health too. I would bring her my guilt and my shame when things didn’t go according to my plans (This was hardest of all). More slowly than the changes with food, she has helped me learn to be kinder and more patient with myself.

All of this was work on top of my actual work. As a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, I’ve spent pandemic delivering anesthesia to patients with the added stress of covid in health care. Through the lows of family losses and the highs of all-inclusive vacations, I moved forward. There has certainly been the occasional food temper tantrum, but Tracie, Stronger U, and my better habits persisted.

My first six months with Stronger U were more impressive on the scale, but the second six months reinforced the changes to who I am as a person. Now, making the right food choice isn’t so hard. I weigh the same as I did in college some fifteen years ago. I’ve run the past several years and now hit new PRs regularly. At 34, I’m really the healthiest I’ve ever been. Even better, Tracie and I are still working together, and I have hope for what I can accomplish going forward.


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