Tell us a little bit about yourself!
I’m 45, husband and father of two girls. I served 8 years in the Air Force and then worked in the tech industry. Now, I’m a full time writer. I’m originally from Florida and now live in Washington, D.C. I love snowboarding, cycling, travel and hiking.
What did you life look like before Stronger U?
I felt like I had relatively healthy eating habits but was carrying 20 extra pounds that I’d gained in my 20s and couldn’t seem to lose. I exercised 4-5 times a week and had an active life. I’d tried other diets, mostly paleo I low carb. Some would work for a time, but I’d always gain the way back.
What does your life look like now?
I’d lost 10 pounds before Stronger and another 20 on the program. I weigh at 45 about what I did when I went to college. That’s so motivating.
Where did you hear about Stronger U?
My wife followed Stronger U on FB and Instagram, saw so many of the success stories and recommended I check it out. Her encouragement was a big help.
Why do you think Stronger U worked so well for you compared to other programs or diets?
It’s easy to follow, you just have to stick with it. Because I’d been programed to believe that carbs were bad, I’d avoided them and didn’t know I was depriving my body of fuel. I’m eating more on Stronger and eating better food than I had for years. Since I was eating normal food, I didn’t feel the need to program in cheat meals. So, when I did have the occasional pizza or big meal…I really enjoyed it, but also made allowances during the day that helped me absorb the extra calories.
What was something you regularly ate while on Stronger U that people wouldn’t expect you to eat on a diet?
Halo Top Ice Cream
If you exercise or train for a sport, did Stronger U have any impact on your training? Or did Stronger U have an impact on your decision to start exercising or training for a sport?
Before Stronger U, I’d already been cycling 3-4 times per week, strength training and yoga. I still do all those things, just faster and more efficiently. I’ve also got a lot more energy.
How much weight did you lose with Stronger U?
How many inches did you lose off your waist?
Did you have any favorite non-scale victories to share?
When I was about 4 months into the program and had already lost about 15 pounds, I bought a bunch of new clothes and now those are even too big.
Has Stronger U positively impacted you professionally?
I’m a writer and I work at home. Before Stronger U, I would stay at my desk and just work. Maybe get 2000 steps for the day. Now, I can hear Coach Dean in my head saying, “Get up and go for a walk, dude.” It’s really helpful to break away from the keyboard and get some fresh air.
Has Stronger U improved your overall quality of life? If so, how?
Losing the weight and being able to keep it off after struggling with it for so long is so motivating. Also, I’m not eating a strange, restricted diet, so all of the foods I’m cooking are things that my family can also eat. I love seeing the progress I’ve made in the mirror, also the confidence knowing that I will be able to keep this off for the long term. Most importantly, I have the energy I need to keep up with my girls.
Has Stronger U improved your overall health? If so, how?
Certainly. At my most recently check up, my primary care provider said all of my vitals were as good as they’d ever been. He thought I was in perfect health for my age.
If someone is thinking about joining Stronger U, what advice would you give them before beginning their journey?
Start and stick with it. It may take a few weeks before you see results, but you will see them if you stick with the plan. Planning meals around macros can seem intimidating to start, but is really simple once you get the hang of it. When all else fails, go for a walk!
Would you like to give a shoutout to your coach, SU staff member, or community member?
Coach Dean was awesome. Great dude, great coach. Had common sense answers to my questions and strategies to help me fit this program into my life.