Adrienne’s Stronger U Story

family at dinner table with woman laughing

Tell us a little bit about yourself! 

I’m a 41 year old mother of two girls. I am a registered nurse, although at the moment I am at home with my family. I’m married to a pilot who is also a marathon runner and a great inspiration to me. I was born and raised in the Midwest, and recently relocated to Florida. It was quite a big move for our family, but we are slowly adjusting and finding our way together.


What did your life look like before Stronger U?

Lol, I have tried ALL the diets. ALL OF THEM. Weight watchers, Beach Body, Keto, South Beach, low-carb, cleanses, soup diets. You name it! I’ve always been a relatively healthy eater (not much fast food or sugar), but I struggled with portion size, snacking, dessert. I’ve also always been active, but never really pushed myself in workouts. I was the girl who used to say “I don’t want to be too muscular”. Haha! Now I have muscle goals!


What does your life look like now? 

I work out at least 5 days per week and I like to mix it up. I do strength training and cardio, and one or two days per week I do both. I also try to run 3-5 miles once a week (I have never been a runner, so this is new for me, and I’m loving it). I recently ran a 5k and finished in the top third of my age group! I cook most of our meals, and rarely eat out during the week. My husband and I do enjoy a weekly date night (if possible) where we will go out to dinner and have a drink or two. I do try to be mindful when I eat out, usually ordering lean meat and veggies and I rarely splurge on dessert anymore. Although I will enjoy a piece of cake or some ice cream for special occasions. I sleep SO MUCH BETTER! I think this is because I am drinking a lot less. More than anything, I love spending time with my family and adventuring to new places together!


Where did you hear about Stronger U? 

I heard about Stronger U from a Facebook friend whom I had met in my Beach Body days.


Why do you think Stronger U worked so well for you compared to other programs or diets?

SU has worked for me because I don’t feel deprived. I eat what I want. If I am craving pizza, I work it into my day. I don’t eat an entire medium pizza or anything, and I’ll often start with a big salad (with added protein like grilled chicken if possible) to fill me up a little and then indulge in 2 slices of pizza. Takes care of my craving and I don’t feel terrible afterward! I also work a small dessert into my day almost everyday- with a Yasso Greek yogurt ice cream bar or a square of dark chocolate. I don’t put too much pressure on myself and if I “mess up” it’s ok, because I get right back on track. It’s not perfect, and the great thing is, Stronger U doesn’t expect perfection.


What was something you regularly ate while on Stronger U that people wouldn’t expect you to eat on a diet?

Snacks! Chips and salsa (I do measure out a serving), dark chocolate, Yasso bars, chicken nuggets (Mike nuggets in the air fryer!). Also, bread and pasta! I love being able to eat carbs!


Did Stronger U have any impact on your training? 

Absolutely! Eating better, drinking less, and getting more/better sleep (all of those things are due to Stronger U) has impacted my workouts in the best way. My endurance and strength amazes me all the time. I can run 3-5 miles and have a conversation. I’ve never in my life been able to do that.


How much weight did you lose with Stronger U? 

23 pounds and counting! I’m not stopping now!


How many inches did you lose off your waist?

6 inches


Did you have any favorite non-scale victories to share?

I bought a pair of cutoff jean shorts about a year or so ago. I didn’t try them on in the store and I was sure by the size that they would fit. I took them home and I could barely pull them up over my hips, much less zip them! I meant to return them but missed the return window. Those shorts started at me in my closet for a whole year! I put them on recently and they are TOO BIG!


Has Stronger U improved your overall quality of life?  

Yes. I am happier and more confident. I think I’m a better wife and mother because I am happy in my own skin.


If someone is thinking about joining Stronger U, what advice would you give them before beginning their journey?

It’s an investment, and it’s not cheap. BUT- is there anything better than investing in yourself? I’d do it a million times over. If you’re on the fence- do it! You won’t regret it. It’s not easy, but neither is being overweight and out of shape. And prepare yourself- read all of the material, use your coach, use the Facebook community, take the pictures, and know that it won’t be EASY but it will be WORTH IT!


Would you like to give a shoutout to your coach, SU staff member, or community member?

For sure! Jodi Burchill is the best, I’m thankful to Mike Doehla for creating Stronger U, and Jennifer Friedman for inspiring me in the first place!

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