Tina’s Unstoppable Journey with Stronger U: Transforming More Than Weight 

Su Member Spotlight Tina4

Quick facts:  

  • Name: Tina A.  
  • Age: 54 
  • Weight Loss:  
    • 90 pounds (and counting!) since 2018  
    • 2x pants to size 12
    • 3x tops to a size large
  • Coach: Syndi Acampora 

Tina’s voyage with Stronger U began in 2018, a year that would mark the start of an incredible journey toward self-discovery, empowerment, and lasting change. Since then, Tina has undergone an awe-inspiring transformation that goes far beyond numbers on a scale. 

In her own words, Tina reflects on the catalyst of her journey: 

In March of 2018, I saw a picture of myself, one of many- but for some reason, this pic was a huge wake-up call. I had learned to look THROUGH the image in the mirror, not AT it.” 

Motivated by this turning point, Tina dove headfirst into the Stronger U program, driven by a yearning for a healthier, happier self. It wasn’t just about shedding pounds, but about reclaiming control of her health and confronting challenges.  

The road wasn’t always smooth. Tina grappled with migraines and Type 2 diabetes, and just as she embarked on this transformation, the world was plunged into chaos by the COVID-19 pandemic. A new job, long hours, and unprecedented stress became her reality. Through it all, Tina found strength in the principles she had embraced: planning, control, and determination. 

But Tina’s journey wasn’t solely about the physical. The mirror became a friend rather than a foe, reflecting not just her external progress, but the internal transformation she had undergone. Additionally, she was able to cut back on the medication needed to control her diabetes.  

Of course, a 90-pound weight loss is something to celebrate and be proud of. However, Tina’s non-scale victories really steal the show for us! In Tina’s words, It is a majorly awesome feeling to LIKE what I see in the mirror, reminding me I can do hard things. I have learned the power and importance of positive self-talk, of setting myself up to succeed, of being motivated by numbers- not intimidated by them- such as meters on the rower and number of steps. It feels amazing to be fitting into things that used to be a dream- feeling in control of my health and well-being.”  

Through the Stronger U community, Tina found the support she needed to thrive. The Facebook group became a haven of encouragement, understanding, and shared experiences. Her coach, Syndi, emerged as a beacon of guidance, providing unwavering support on her journey to self-discovery. 

Her greatest self-discovery? The power of “letting go” of other people’s opinions and focusing on how proud she is of herself. She says, My success has not been just actual pounds I have lost. I have also ditched the weight of other people’s opinions. Amazing how freeing it is to focus only on being proud of myself. Others don’t get to “weigh” in anymore.” 

Today, Tina’s story stands as a testament to the resilience of her spirit. Her advice to others echoes her own journey: “Invest in yourself because YOU ARE WORTH IT. The Stronger U program isn’t just about what you eat; it’s about how you think, how you approach challenges, and how you embrace change.”  Tina’s journey is a constant reminder that transformation is possible at any age. It’s about more than just numbers – it’s about embracing the journey, defying expectations, and uncovering the strength that was always there. If you’re ready to start your journey, Stronger U is ready to support you, too!  

 A note from Coach Syndi: 

Working with Tina has been an incredible journey filled with determination, progress, and friendship. She refused to settle for weight loss surgery and instead focused on fixing her A1C levels through diet and exercise. In just one year, Tina had some amazing progress both physically and with her medications, but she did not stop there! On her own she maintained her progress with what she learned and her new habits.  Recently, she returned for more accountability and support, and those positive changes have been astounding! From once sedentary to rowing to now rowing and walking, Tina now averages 5+ miles a day! Her transformation is a testament to her unwavering commitment. We can’t wait to finally meet and share a hug in November. Once a member, forever a friend. 

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