Tell us a little bit about yourself!
I am a high school special education transition coordinator which means that I help students with disabilities and their families plan for life after high school! I am married to my husband Dennis and we have a crazy dog, Snickers!
What did your life look like before Stronger U?
Before Stronger U I would eat “healthy” with a lot of greek yogurt and fruit but would frequently blow my healthy days by snacking, eating an excessive amount of sweets, and drinking a few times a week. I would workout but it wasn’t consistent. In previous years, I have tried counting macros but I struggled to stay consistent.
What does your life look like now?
I still eat a lot of greek yogurt and fruit. I also snack and eat sweets as well as drink sometimes. However, I do all of that in moderation. I stay true to my numbers and if I can’t make it fit, I don’t eat it. I also make a point to log all of my food when the day starts and then I determine what else I can fit in. In addition to counting macros, I workout 4-5 days a week consistently. I recently joined Orange Theory which I love and before that I was doing an at home lifting program!
Where did you hear about Stronger U?
I found out about Stronger U through a women’s lifting page on Facebook!
Why do you think Stronger U worked so well for you compared to other programs or diets?
The daily logs and weekly check ins held me accountable.
What was something you regularly ate while on Stronger U that people wouldn’t expect you to eat on a diet?
Reeses! I make sure I fit in two (or six) mini Reeses every single day. Peanut butter and chocolate are the way to my heart.
How much weight did you lose with Stronger U?
I have lost about 11 pounds but if you look at my transformation pictures there is a HUGE difference. Joining Stronger U has also been more about getting in shape and getting stronger than about losing weight.
Has Stronger U improved your overall quality of life?
My endurance has improved drastically and I overall have more energy. I have pretty significant asthma and this time last year I had to take my inhaler almost daily. Since I have been working with Stronger U and working out consistently I found that I rarely have to take my inhaler and I am able to continuously keep going. I also started running at OTF which is a HUGE deal for me!
If someone is thinking about joining Stronger U, what advice would you give them before beginning their journey?
Do it. I know the cost can seem intimidating. I know the idea of counting macros and weighting your food can seem intimidating. But Stronger U will change your life. If you put in the time and truly commit you will accomplish things you never thought you could do.
Would you like to give a shoutout to your coach, SU staff member, or community member?
Coach Dean is great! He does not hesitate to tell it like it is and get you in the right mindset. At the start of working with him I questioned everything, especially if I was actually making progress. He made sure to remind me that this is not a race and to just stay consistent. Also, to GET YOUR STEPS IN! Because of him I make sure you get my steps in as much as I can!
Is there anything else you would like to add about your journey?
I have gained a lot from this program and the past 10 months but the number one thing I have gained is my confidence.