The Stronger U Member Spotlight: Lori Saraiva

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This week the Stronger U Member Spotlight is shining down on Lori Saraiva, who worked with Coach Karina Verespy!

What’s your name? (First and last names, pretty please)

Lori Saraiva

Tell us a little about you in 5 sentences or less. Where are you from? Are you a parent? What are your hobbies? Anything unique about your life that you want to share?

I’m 52 I’m married to a wonderful guy. I’m a mom and a grandmother. I’ve worked in the global logistics industry for the past 30 years. I love camping with my family. I’m grateful to have been introduced to SU.

What led you to join Stronger U?

I was tired of being unhealthy. Feeling terrible all the time and hating the way I looked. I saw my stepdaughter and son in law have amazing success with SU. They gave me a lot of encouragement to try it. I’ve been hooked ever since.

What dieting experience have you had previous to Stronger U? Was there a reason you were or were not successful? Why did you stop?

I have been on some form of diet since I was 14. I have tried every plan out there. I would lose the weight and of course, gain it all back plus some. Typical yo-yo dieter. Most do not truly give you the tools to keep it going.

It’s clear Stronger U worked for you. Why do you think Stronger U worked so well when other programs or diets may have not?

I feel like it worked for me because it is sustainable. Using the guidelines my coach gave me I know how to eat in a balanced way without feeling deprived. Most other programs give you some frozen meals and some bars and send you on your way. The problem is what happens when you run out of frozen meals and bars. Then fall back into your old patterns.

Can you give some insight into your eating habits BEFORE joining Stronger U?

I ate like my ship was going down. I ate fast and before I knew it I was stuffed but kept going till it was gone, because it’s a sin to waste! Like most sugar is my heroine. I would lose all control 1 cookie turned into a box. I don’t enjoy cooking so there was Lots of eating out.

Now that you’ve joined Stronger U, how have your eating habits changed?

Yes!! I think about what I’m putting in my body. Lots of fruit and vegetables, fish etc. we have family prep time every Sunday after grocery shopping. All of the fruit and veggies are washed and chopped. We make a salad which I eat all week. We put 4 oz of roasted chicken into baggies to put on top of the salad. I do give myself treats regularly. I just don’t go over board.

If you exercise or train for a sport, what does a typical week look like? Did Stronger U have any impact on your decision to start exercising or training for a sport?

I have never been a fan of the gym or exercise in general. When I started SU I knew that exercise was part of it. Now I can’t live without my walks. I get in 18,000 steps per day every day. I started at 10,000 and worked my up. I get a walk in at 5:00 am and then take mini walks throughout the day (5 min). Then I will hop on the treadmill at night.

How much weight did you lose with Stronger U?

I’m proud say I have lost 71 lbs with SU.

How did your waist measurements change with Stronger U?

I didn’t take my measurements when I started. I’m sorry 🙁

What were 3 major non-scale victories you experienced with Stronger U?

My goal was to lose 70 pounds. I had never set a goal for myself before because I was afraid of failing. Losing the 71 pounds gave me the encouragement I needed to set another goal for my self. To get my Customs Brokers License. I also feel good about inspiring friends to join.

Has your change in body weight or composition improved other areas of your life? If so, explain what areas and how.

Yes of course. I just feel great and feel more confident in my own skin.

Are there any tips or advice you’d give to new members of Stronger U to help them succeed early on?

Stick with it. At first, it feels overwhelming but it very quickly becomes second nature. I started when I was 51 I was in menopause and didn’t like exercise. All strikes against me. But I did it and they can too.

If someone is thinking about joining Stronger U, what would you tell them?

Yes! I have people reaching out to me all the time. I am a huge cheerleader for SU. I tell them this is the best thing I have ever done for myself. And that I’m here for them anytime they need me.

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