Madison’s Stronger U Story

family at dinner table with woman laughing

Tell us a little bit about yourself! 

I am a mother of a 1-year-old daughter living in sunny San Diego. In my free time, I love to go to the beach, ride my peloton and get outdoors with my family.


What did your life look like before Stronger U?

Before Stronger U, I was the classic yo-yo dieter. I would train 5-6 days in the week at orange theory but hardly stick to a set diet so my weight rarely budged. I would overeat seemingly “healthy” foods and wonder why I wasn’t seeing progress.


What does your life look like now? 

I plan my days well in advance. Most days I eat the same breakfast and lunch because I know it works for me and my body! I can then focus on planning dinners that fit into my day with a bit more creativity. I also always plan something sweet for dessert!


Where did you hear about Stronger U? 

Through the Orangetheory Reddit group back in 2018


Why do you think Stronger U worked so well for you compared to other programs or diets?

I thrive on accountability! Knowing I have to check in with a coach makes me want to do well and not let them or myself down!


What was something you regularly ate while on Stronger U that people wouldn’t expect you to eat on a diet?



How much weight did you lose with Stronger U? 

44 pounds and counting!


How many inches did you lose off your waist?

6 in


Did you have any favorite non-scale victories to share?

Fitting into a size 4 wedding dress!


Has Stronger U improved your overall quality of life?  

Overall I feel like I have more energy to play with my daughter! I sleep better and my blood pressure has also improved dramatically.


If someone is thinking about joining Stronger U, what advice would you give them before beginning their journey?

Make sure you are ready to put in the time. This program works but only if you are committed. If you cheat or just make up what you are eating, you will not see the results you want. It is all about consistency.


Would you like to give a shoutout to your coach, SU staff member, or community member?

I would like to shout out the food dad himself- Mike! I love reading your posts and how you interact with the community. We are lucky to have you as a leader of this amazing company.

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